Outpatient Service
Specialist Clinics
Women's Health & Breast Centre
The aim of the Women’s Health Centre is to raise women's consciousness of their health and to promote the health education of types of cancer that can affect them. We provide comprehensive health screening and various treatments specific to women.
Gynecology & Obstetrics Clinic
- Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist
- Monolayer Pap Smear
- Colposcopy
- Endometrial Sampling
- Ultrasound Pelvis
- Ante-natal & Post-natal Check up
Breast Cancer Diagnostic Examination
- Breast Ultrasound
- Mammography
- Fine Needle Aspiration / Core Biopsy
Breast Surgery
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Enquiry & Appointment
Tel: 2711 5222

The Department of Health recommends that women aged 30-64 can use human papillomavirus (HPV DNA) testing as one of the methods for cervical cancer screening.
HPV DNA testing is more sensitive and can detect precancerous changes at an earlier stage; if the test result is negative, it is only necessary to get tested once every five years.
Evangel Hospital is now offering a special promotion for HPV DNA testing at $880, and for those who have already had a medical checkup, the additional cost is only $510 to get the HPV DNA test done. The special offer for HPV DNA testing + Pap smear is $1,130, and for those who have already had a medical checkup, the additional cost is only $910.
Enquiry & Appointment
2760 3420
Center for Sleep Diagnostics
Sleep disordered breathing disorder is a prevalent medical condition. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common condition in sleep disordered breathing. It affects 4% of males and 2% of females among the middle-aged population in Hong Kong. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused by repetitive collapse of the pharyngeal airway during sleep, which results in ongoing respiratory effort during pharyngeal collapse. It leads to arterial oxygen desaturation and frequent awakenings of patients. Hence individuals suffering from OSA would have fragmented sleep and poor sleep quality.
Our center offers a comprehensive consultative and diagnostic service for patients with OSAS through a multi-disciplinary approach. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) titration will be performed if CPAP is indicated. Structured scheme of follow up will be provided to evaluate the treatment response of the patients.
Link of Sleep Diagnostics Center
Enquiry & Appointment
Tel: 2711 5222
Lung Health Centre
In Hong Kong, Lung Cancer was the most common cancer in men and the third commonest cancer in women. Lung cancer was also the leading cause of death from cancer in men and women. In the early stages, lung cancer usually has no noticeable symptoms. Hence, most patients are not diagnosed at an advanced, and thus non-curable disease stage. Survival time of lung cancer patient decreases significantly with progression of disease. It is therefore crucial to detect lung cancer early, before symptoms occur and while curable therapy is still achievable.
But if you have any one of following symptoms suspicious of lung cancer, please consult your doctor promptly for further investigation and management.
- Persistent or worsening cough
- Blood-stained sputum
- Unexplained Chest or shoulder pain
- Unexplained Shortness of breath
- Unexplained loss of appetite and weight
- Recurrent chest infection
Link of Details of Center for Lung Health
Enquiry & Appointment
Tel: 2711 5222
Orthopaedic Service
Our Orthopaedic Service deals with the examination, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries and pain of the musculo-skeletal system including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves.
- Orthopedic Specialist Consultation
- Arthroscopy
- Joint injection with artificial lubricant
- Orthopedic Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Physiotherapy or Acupuncture
Enquiry & Appointment
Tel: 2711 5222
Skin Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Centre
Our Centre is operated by an experienced team of specialists in Dermatology and in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Laser Treatment
- Removal of Leuligen ,telangiectasia, naevus of ota , wart and tattoo
- Treatment of haemongioma or mole
- Scar management
Intense Pulsed Light
- Skin rejuvenation
- Removal of hair (face, sweat hair, armpit etc.)
Other Treatment
- Wrinkle Management
- Chemical peeling
- Cryosurgery
- Treatment of hidross
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
- Breast augmentation, Reduction Mammoplasty
- Double eye lid
- Eye bag operation
- Liposuction
- Chin augmentation or Nasal augmentation
Enquiry & Appointment
Tel: 2711 5222
Endourology Centre
Urology Clinic
- Urology specialist
- Nephrology specialist
Radiological diagnosis of urinary system
- Intravenous urinary tract X-ray imaging
- Retrograde X-ray pelvis
- Ultrasound scan
- Computer scan
Urinary system endoscopy
- Endoscopy of bladder and urethra
- Urination and bladder function examination
- Examination of prostate lesions and minimally invasive surgical treatment
- Minimally invasive surgery for urinary incontinence
Enquiry & Appointment
Tel: 2711 5222
Oncology Centre
Cancer may occur in any part of the body. The chances of developing cancer may be reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Regular routine health checks may detect certain types of cancer in their early stages however it is not possible to detect all types of cancer by routine health checks. If you suspect you may have undiagnosed cancer or be at risk of developing cancer it is advisable to consult your family doctor who may refer you to a specialist because early diagnosis and prompt treatment offer a better prognosis. The management of cancer depends on the particular assessment but is most commonly through surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a combination of these three therapies. Our Oncology Centre is equipped with advanced diagnostic technology and our team of experienced surgeons and oncologists are available to provide care for clients suspected or diagnosed with cancer.
Enquiry & Appointment
Tel: 2711 5222